Monday, April 7, 2008

Rape Me

This isn't a post about Mr. Cobain- I'm sorry for the harsh title but you'll understand where it's coming from soon.

What is it with Malaysian men these days? Aren't all men beasts when it comes to physical relationships? I ask this question as I have just had a heart to heart talk with a friend who is just dying to 'rape' her boyfriend of 5 months. They have only kissed twice in the space of 5 months and it is driving my friend nuts that he hasn't made a move.

We were laying out the possibilities that he could be gay, or cheating but there wasn't enough evidence to point him in either direction. So what was wrong with him? After 2 hours of much deliberation, we were back at one. The only solution was to 'rape' him.My advice to her was to just pounce on him. You gotta get what you want.

Honestly guys....when was it a problem for girls to be too sexual?



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