Monday, April 7, 2008

The gap between like and attracted to

You can like someone. You can like many guys. You can click with a lot of men....but there's that x factor that gets you hook onto one specific guy. It's dubbed the X factor because honestly, it's just too difficult to explain,so we just call it the x factor.

I like a lot of guys but there are not many guys who I'm attracted to..and honey,there's a big difference. So, when is it do you know if you're attracted to a guy ?. For me, it's when the only thing I can think of is spending the whole day in bed with him, holding his hand,feeling the warmth of our bodies.That's when I know that the guy is the real deal.

What about you? When do you know you're attracted to a guy ? *Janine says it's when she can't look the guy in the face...cute, I thought. Think about it ladies (and gentleman)....

*names have been altered



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